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Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast.

Modern name

Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast.

A Chinese species, first found on Mount Omei, in Szechwan, by the Rev. E. Faber, and in 1900 by Wilson, who sent home seeds. I only know of it as a low bush of sturdy habit, with flat, stiffly spreading branches. Leaves 34 to 1 in. long, 18 to 16 in. wide; linear, curving slightly towards the end of the shoot, terminated abruptly in a short, stiff point; the base slightly the broadest part of the leaf, and truncate with rounded corners; the leaves are arranged on the twigs in two flat, quite horizontal ranks, very stiff, and so close together that the margins touch; dark green above, paler green at the margins and centre beneath, with two glaucous strips, each composed of about fifteen lines of stomata. Fruit (only seen in native specimens) egg-shaped, conspicuously tapered at the ends, 114 in. long, 34 in. wide, borne on a stalk 12 in. long. A striking evergreen, especially in the close, stiff, comb-like arrangement of the leaves.



Other species in the genus