A genus of trees and shrubs, with alternate, simple or pinnate leaves, natives of Eastern Asia and America – the hardy ones all from China and Japan, and deciduous. They produce their flowers, which are small and white, in large terminal panicles. Petals five, the three outer ones concave, orbicular, and larger than the two inner ones. Fruit a drupe containing one seed, which is remarkable for its twisted radicle. The name refers to the honey-like fragrance of the flowers of some of the species.
From the Supplement (Vol. V)
The genus (with the exception of the section Lorenzanea) is revised by C. F. van Beusekom in Blumea, Vol. 19, pp. 355-529 (1971). This paper was not seen before the revision of Volume II went to press, but a summary of the author’s conclusions concerning the meliosmas cultivated in Britain was included in the second printing.