A small tree, glabrous in all its parts, with lustrous, red-brown branchlets. Leaves ovate, 2 to 4 in. long and nearly as much wide, wedge-shaped or rounded at the base, lobed about half-way to the midrib and margined with short, triangular teeth. Flower-clusters about 3 in. across; stamens usually twenty, with pale yellow anthers. Fruit yellow to orange, roundish, about 1⁄2 in. wide, ripening in August but soon falling. Bot. Mag., t. 8818.
A native of Central Asia from the Altai Mountains to Baluchistan. It is an attractive species, showy in flower and fruit; the glossy-green leaves are among the largest in the genus.
C. altaica (Loud.) Lange C. purpurea var. altaica Loud. – Another Central Asiatic species closely allied to the preceding. The leaves are more deeply lobed, the lowest pair reaching almost to the midrib. Fruit yellow, globose, about 3⁄5 in. across.
These two species have probably been confused with each other in gardens and both may have been grown as “C. korolkowii” or “C. sanguinea var. xanthocarpa”. They resemble C. pinnatifida in foliage but in that species the leaves, flower-stalks and calyx are downy and the fruit is never yellow.