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Deutzia × magnifica (Lemoine) Rehd.

Modern name

Deutzia × magnifica (Lemoine) Rehder


D. crenata magnifica Lemoine

A group of hybrids between D. scabra and D. vilmoriniae, all raised by Lemoine of Nancy and put into commerce from 1909 onwards, mostly as ‘varieties’ of D. crenata (now known as D. scabra). In ‘Magnifica’, the first and typical form of the group, the foliage resembles that of D. scabra but the flowers are borne in shorter, broader and denser panicles; they are white and double. A vigorous, erect shrub, flowering June-July, to about 8 ft high. Others in this group are:

cv. ‘Eburnea’. – Flowers single, white, bell-shaped, in loose trusses.

cv. ‘Erecta’. – Flowers single, white, in very large erect panicles. Award of Merit, 1931.

cv. ‘Latiflora’. – Flowers white, single, more than 1 in. across, with widely spreading petals, borne very numerously in erect panicles. Award of Merit, 1925.

cv. ‘Longipetala’. – Flowers single, white, with long and narrow petals. The leaves, too, are smaller and narrower than in the other forms.

cv. ‘Staphyleoides’. – Large, single white flowers, with reflexed petals, recalling those of a species of Staphylea.

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

cv. ‘Staphyleoides’. – This received an Award of Merit when exhibited from Kew in 1956 as ‘D. scabra var. staphyleoides’. Like the other clones of D. × magnifica, it was originally distributed by Lemoine as a variety of D. crenata, i.e., D. scabra, and is still so labelled in some gardens. Lemoine’s habit of making deliberate crosses and then distributing the results as ‘varieties’ of one or other of the parents has been the source of much confusion.



Other species in the genus