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Rhododendron hemsleyanum Wils.

Modern name

Rhododendron hemsleyanum E.H. Wilson

An evergreen shrub or small tree 10 to 20 ft high; young stems stout, slightly downy; leaf-buds conical. Leaves thick and leathery, oblong or oblong-ovate, 6 to 8 in. long, 234 to 312 in. wide, rounded at the apex, deeply cordate-auriculate at the base, upper surface dark green, glabrous, lower surface paler, papillose, lateral veins parallel, in thirteen to fifteen pairs; petioles stout, up to 134 in. long, sparsely glandular. Flowers borne in May in a racemose corymb of up to twelve; pedicels up to 138 in. long, glandular and slightly hairy. Calyx very small. Corolla white, funnel-campanulate, seven-lobed, 2 to 258 in. long. Stamens fourteen, glabrous. Ovary glandular, conoid; style glandular throughout, with a discoid stigma. Pl. Omeienses, t. 30; R.Y.B. 1947, fig. 29. (s. and ss. Fortunei)

This interesting species was discovered by Wilson on Mt Omei in W. Szechwan in 1900 and is said to be endemic to that area. He did not collect seeds, and the species was quite unknown in Britain except from written accounts until Mr E. H. M. Cox obtained seeds from the Rhododendron Test Garden at Portland, Oregon, USA, from which plants were raised and distributed from 1969 onwards by Glendoick Gardens Ltd. He had seen the plants flowering there in May 1964 and published a short note on it in the Rhododendron Year Book for 1966 (p. 133 and fig. 53).

In describing this species Wilson compared it with R. auriculatum, which it resembles in the shape and general appearance of the leaves. But in other respects it seems to be nearer to the Fortunei series, in which it at present resides. Plants from Glendoick are growing well in several gardens, and one flowered in Cornwall in 1973. The wavy edge of the leaves shown by some of these plants seems to be a characteristic of the species.

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

The original source of the plants now in cultivation was seed sent by H. H. Hu to the Arnold Arboretum in 1937 and further distributed by the University of Washington Arboretum, Seattle.



Other species in the genus