This is treated under the name R. scintillans on page 765. The change of name has been made on grounds of priority and is not the result of taxonomic judgement. The types of the two species were in fact collected in the same locality. But the type-specimen of R. polycladum (Delavay 267 bis) was mounted in the Paris Herbarium on the same sheet as a specimen of R. fastigiatum and it seems to have been assumed by later botanists that the two specimens represented the same species (Rev. Lapp., p. 43).
R. compactum, described from a plant raised at Headfort from Forrest’s seeds, is a form of R. scintillans in which the inflorescences are produced from the axillary buds as well as from the terminal one, forming a large compound inflorescence. Similar plants have been raised from F.25555.